Vision and Goals

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1: Evangelistic -Word and preaching ministry to the lost and to further the Kingdom of God in preparation for the coming of the Lord.

2: Restoration- To the hurt, wounded, broken hearted and sick, by the promise of God's Word.

3: Ministry of music- Lifting up the Kingdom of God through song, music and praise and worship.

4: Outreach ministry -To missions foreign and domestic - directly and financially.

5: Helps ministry -To the church and body in the recording and duplicating of the gospel in word and music to minister to others at cost+0. Obtaining media supplies to others for tape and music ministries and sound reinforcement.

It is our desire in reaching these goals for the Kingdom of God. If we may be of assistance to you in anyway, please let us hear from you.


White Harvest Ministries is afilliated with..
The Fellowship
1000 North Beltline Rd. Suite 201
Irving, TX 75061 USA

We Would Love For You To Be A Part Of The Fellowship. If You Would Like Information On This Ministry Fellowship Please Contact Our Office.